This Saturday March 26th there will be a performance of Gregorian chants and a talk (in Spanish) in St George’s church in the English Cemetery. Reservations can be made by phone – 952 22 35 52 – or by emailing tomas.cementerioingles@gmail.com. Entry to this event is 8 euros. The event will be followed by a guided tour of the cemetery (maximum 25 people), with a combined cost for event and tour of 10 euros.
The event features Paloma Soria and Francisco Bueno.

Paloma Soria
Paloma Soria is a doctor, poet, composer and writer. Her latest book «Madrid Fascinante» has sold more than 1,000 copies.
She has also been a soprano soloist at the Real Monasterio del Escorial, and has been a member of a Baroque trio with A. Serna, (organ), and J.M. Sambartolomé (trumpet) for more than 14 years. She has recently set Salomón Ibn Gabirol’s poems to music and premiered them at the Edgar Neville auditorium in Malaga for a celebration of the millennium of his birth
Francisco Bueno
Writer, researcher, historian and expert on mediaeval history. He will present the event in the church.
PROGRAMME (in Spanish)
1.- Alleluia (Gregoriano: GR)
2.- Alabanzas ante una mujer bella (letra Salomón Ibn Gabirol: SIG / Música Paloma Soria: PS)
Francisco Bueno (FB). Diferentes formas de expresión verbal del siglo XI
.3.- Sanctus (GR)
4.- A una hermosa paloma (SIG/PS)
FB. Diferencias filosóficas. Entre la desesperanza y la fe
5.- Para hacer algo a derechas (SIG/PS)
6.-Dies irae (GR)
FB Lo profano y lo sacro, visión de eternidad
7.- Amigos (SIG/PS)
FB Diferentes actitudes ante la muerte en el s XI
8.- Réquiem (GR)
9.- Vino amor y muerte (SIG/PS)
10.- Ave María
Música: Gregoriano / Paloma Soria
Letras: Gregoriano / Salomón Ibn Gabirol